D2 Visa Portugal

Article •

13 October 2022

This visa can be granted:


1.         For independent professional activity, when the applicant:

a) Holds a contract, or written proposal for a contract, to provide services within the scope of liberal professions; AND

b) Is qualified to practice the independent activity, whenever applicable: https://www.dgert.gov.pt/profissoes-regulamentadas-e-autoridades-competentes (Regulated Professions and Competent Authorities).


2.         For entrepreneurial immigrants who intend to invest in Portugal, provided that the applicant

a) Has carried out investment operations; or

b) Can prove to have financial means available in Portugal, including those arising from loans obtained from financial entities in Portugal, and show, by any means, the intention of carrying out an investment operation in the Portuguese territory; or

c) Develop an entrepreneurial project, including the creation of an innovative based company, integrated in a incubator, certified under the terms defined by ordinance of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of internal administration and economy. (link: https://files.dre.pt/1s/2017/11/21800/0601806020.pdf)


The visa application will be assessed taking into account, namely, the economic, social, scientific, technological, or cultural relevance of the investment.


A visa is an authorization previously granted by the (Portuguese) Consular Entity in the applicant's country or residence country, that allows him to enter and (or) remain in Portugal.


Residence Visas, once issued, allow the applicant to enter Portugal twice, within a period of 120 days. During this period, the applicant must apply, based on the visa granted, for a Residence Permit, valid for a period of two years, and renewable for periods of three years if the applicant maintains the same conditions, namely if he continues to develop professional activities.


For the concession of the residence permit for independent professional activity, it’s necessary:

  • Incorporation contract, or proposal, or contract for the rendering of services within the scope of liberal professions
  •  When applicable, statement  by the competent entity for the verification of requirements to practice a profession subject to accreditation in Portugal


For the concession of a residence permit for entrepreneurial immigrants:

  • Declaration that the applicant has carried out, or intends to carry out an investment operation in Portugal, stating its nature, value and length of time.
  • Evidence of having financial means available in Portugal, including those obtained from a credit institution in Portugal, and of the intention to make an investment intention in Portuguese territory duly described and identified


The D2 visa applicant, subsequently holder of a temporary residence permit for independent professional activity, must not be absent from the country for six consecutive months or eight interpolated months, during the total validity period of the residence permit, failing which his residence permit may be cancelled. In the case of a permanent resident, the applicant must not be absent for more than 24 consecutive months, or, in a period of three years, 30 months interpolated.


Should this happen, the applicant must justify beforehand (or in some exceptional cases, subsequently), to SEF, the reason for the absence beyond the time limits.


Residence will not be cancelled, for instance, when the resident proves that he has been in the country of origin to carry out professional or business activities, or activities of a cultural or social nature.

The D2 visa is intended for applicants who seek to live in Portugal on a day-to-day basis, and make a life in the Country

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